Bethesda Family Photography | Tabitha Maegan Photography

I am a little behind my blogging from my summer family sessions here in the Washington DC area so today I am sharing this sweet family with you! I have booked many sessions that include newborns and toddlers and I couldn’t wait to photograph this family with young twin boys. We had our session at McCrillis Gardens which is in Bethesda, Maryland and McCrillis Gardens is great for a lifestyle family session! At the beginning of my lifestyle sessions I try to get the family close together either sitting or standing and go from there. The boys were a little shy to warm up but they quickly relaxed and it was as if they forgot I was there photographing them.


What I really enjoyed about my time with this family was the ability to focus on their dynamics and close relationship with one another. I definitely got some shots of just the boys together and wanted this lifestyle family session to focus on the interaction between them. This family was so playful!

You’ll notice in a lot of my work that one person may be looking at the camera and that’s on purpose.

I try to have a main purpose for each image, whether it’s a portrait or a feeling. Some of my favorite lifestyle images is when no one is looking at the camera and when the family is interacting and looking at each other.

The lighting was perfect at McCrillis gardens because we were able to get many family images and portraits, and we spent the last bit of our session towards one of the back gardens where the sun was setting. The lighting was incredible and I love the haziness. I definitely like playing with light when the location allows for it.

How do you want to feel when you see images of your family? Leave a comment below!