What I look for in a Session Location

When planning a family session location, there are a few things to consider. Your family may already have a special place that is meaningful to you that would make the perfect location! Here in the DC area, there are several areas that make for a great place to take family photos. When I am helping a family decide on a location for family photos, there are some things that help make it a great location.

Keep scrolling to read what I look for in a session location…


  1. a place to stand 

    At the beginning of the session when we are getting started, I like to start with standing poses. This gives me and the family an opportunity to chat a little and get the “safe” photos where the family is looking at the camera. These standing poses start off a little traditional, and then I will guide the family to interact in order to get more of the lifestyle photos you see in my portfolio and social media pages. Finding a great spot for standing poses is the first thing I like to look for when choosing a session location.

  2. a place to sit 

    Of course we need a place to sit as well! Moving around to different spots at the session location gives us a way to have variety in the session. There are several photos we can create when there is a place to sit and/or lay and interact with one another. I want to make sure that there is a clean and uncluttered place to sit without many distractions in the background so that the focus can be on the family.

  3. an open field 

    Having an open field is great to have at a session location because it gives the kids a way to run around if they need a break from the session. I don’t typically make the children look at the camera, but sometimes children (especially at this toddler age) still need a cuddle or snack break for a few minutes. This little guy took advantage and was supported to walk around and I’m glad I kept shooting!

  4. hazy light 

    If you’re able to either see the sun rise or set at the session location, take advantage! What I love about this location is that there is beautiful sun if you go at the right time. We weren’t there quite in time for the actual golden hour/sunset but I was able to still choose an area with beautiful hazy light to take some creative images of the family.

    Many locations will have “open shade” where the light is even and make for great photos. If I see a sliver of hazy light or golden hour rays, I will definitely guide the family to move to that area to see how we can add more variety to the family gallery.

  5. easy parking

    We know how hard it is to find parking in the DC area. I tend to offer session locations that allow for easy parking because I think it makes a great session experience. Many times the family has little ones and/or strollers or pets, so it’s always helpful to be able to have parking close by.

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Did I miss anything that you like to consider when choosing the best location to take family photos? Leave a comment!

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