maryland family photography

Lifestyle Cake Smash in Washington, DC

Today I’m sharing all about this lifestyle cake smash session in Washington DC!

I get inquiries sometimes for cake smash sessions and I love when the family chooses to do the session at their home. I photographed this little guy when he was a brand new little newborn and I was so excited to see the family again and to see how big he got!


Cupcake Smash Cake Session

1 Year Photos at Home

We started out with some portraits and I couldn’t resist those little diaper shots before getting him dressed! I wanted to highlight the busyness of being a curious toddler that likes to climb and explore. He played with some toys and then we got some images with mom and dad.

This session was so fun because not only did his parents have the idea for the cake smash, they also cooked him an amazing steak! He is such a good eater and I loved documenting such a cute little breakfast and celebration!

Did you know that cake smash sessions don’t have to be super elaborate and you don’t need a million decorations! This was perfect. We had the family at home, we focused on the child turning 1 and the family and we also got his cake smash and some cute high chair decorations!

Does your baby have a one year birthday coming up? Please send me a message to chat about how to document such a big milestone!

3 reasons to schedule family photos at home

Outdoor Family Session at Home | Maryland Family Photography

Have you ever been interested in an at home session? I absolutely love them! I get to do in home sessions most often during Lifestyle Newborn sessions, however, it’s not as often that I do in home sessions for family sessions with older children.

This blog post will give you a few reasons to convince you that your home is perfect for a family session!

Here are reasons why you should schedule a session at your home:

  1. you don’t have to pack up the kids, snacks, etc!

    If you have small kids you totally know how long it can take to lay out all the clothes, make sure the kids have recently eaten and had potty breaks. Amiright? Save your self some time and schedule a family photo session at your home, outside!

    When you have a session at home all you have to do is walk outside and find the beauty of your front yard, backyard, side of your house, foliage, sidewalks, the list goes on and on!

  2. kids tend to be more comfortable in a familiar setting

    When working with young children, we know they can often be a little bit unpredictable. Children are likely to be more comfortable in an area that is familiar to them.

    You probably already have a lot of memories playing outside of your home or in the yard and that will make it easier to get your kids to relax during the session!

  3. you will see your home with a new perspective!

    I’m just as guilty of not thinking there is “anything special” about different corners or small areas in our front yard or backyard until I actually have my camera and lens in hand.

    When I am photographing your family, there is intention behind the image and the story and keeping certain elements in or excluding them. One of the things I love about outdoor family sessions at home is showing you a new perspective!

Click the link below to schedule your family session!